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Mental Health First Aid

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Mental Health First Aid helps individuals identify and provide assistance to someone who may be suffering from mental health problems. Mental health can be a difficult topic to understand and address, and our Mental Health First Aid training equips people with the skills to recognize signs of distress and provide appropriate support. It also helps to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and encourages individuals to seek help when needed. Mental Health First Aid can make a significant impact on someone's life, potentially preventing crisis and promoting wellness.

Why is it beneficial?

Mental Health First Aid Training is beneficial because it helps individuals recognize and respond appropriately to mental health crisis. After completing MHFA Training with The Training Suite you’ll be able to identify the warning signs of common mental health disorders, how to assess the risk of suicide or self-harm, and how to provide comfort and support to those in distress. Mental Health First Aiders may also be able to connect those in need with professional help. Ultimately, Mental Health First Aid Training can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and create a more supportive and understanding community.


Having people who are mental health first aid trained in a business can provide several benefits. They can offer support and assistance to colleagues who may be experiencing mental health issues, creating a more supportive and empathetic workplace culture. This can increase employee well-being, productivity and retention. Mental Health First Aiders can also help to identify mental health concerns early on, preventing them from becoming more severe issues. By promoting Mental Health First Aid, businesses can prioritize mental health alongside physical health, ultimately creating a healthier and happier workforce.

About Mental Health

Mental Health First Aid is a training course which had been designed to teach people how to identify and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue and develop the skills to support them whilst keeping yourself safe. The learner will understand various mental health conditions and feel confident starting the conversations and supporting someone who may need additional help. It will teach the learner to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis and even potentially stop a crisis from happening. The learner will also understand how to signpost someone who’s struggling to the appropriate services and empower the person to access the medical help they may need via the GP, Therapist, Employer and more.

The course will cover how to:

  • Identify people who may need support with their mental health and know how to provide them with first level support and intervention.

  • Understand different Mental Health conditions and how they can affect someone

  • Be able to sign post people to sources of help and support as well as how to seek professional help

  • Practise active listening and empathy

  • Understand a Mental Health First Aiders role and be aware of boundaries and confidentiality

Course duration & price

This course duration is one full day (9.30 am to 4 pm)

The price is £60 per person (max. 8 people per course)

About the course

Next Steps

You have found a training you are interested in and want to take a look at the schedule and find a day and time that works best for you, so how do you do that? You simply head over to our bookings page and there you can find what trainings and courses are currently available. If the training that you were looking isn't on our timetable, please send us a message through our contact page or email us directly at and we will get back to you as soon as possible with future dates.


Thank you for putting your trust in us, we look forward to seeing you soon at The Training Suite!

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